Late Summer Daze
Hi! How was your summer?
It’s been a while since my last post, and I realize I’m averaging less than one post a month these days. That’s okay, because I’ve fallen into the habit of only writing when I have something substantial to say. I finally joined Instagram over the summer, mostly to interact with ethical bloggers and natural beauty brands, and I’m slightly more active there. I’ve settled into doing beauty reviews for my blog and EcoCult, and that’s a fun gig that I really enjoy. I’m still a member of the Ethical Writers & Creatives, which just changed its name to become more inclusive, and if you’re interested in learning about the group, definitely check it out! I’ve learned so much and am continuously inspired by all of the members.
This summer, we took our annual family trip to Galveston, driving through Houston less than a month before Hurricane Harvey hit, and my heart has broken for my fellow Texans who are displaced by that terrible storm. We also visited my dad’s tiny hometown in south Texas for my aunt’s 50th wedding anniversary, which happened to fall on the same day as the events in Charlottesville, where my sweet blog friend Leah lives. She has written tenderly about those terrifying days. I think about the young Dreamers who must now live in fear of our mad president’s racist policies, as well as the current hurricane that is impacting Florida and the southern states, and my heart breaks again. There is so much sadness and destruction in our country these days, and I find it hard to write about these events on a regular basis. There’s nothing I can say that would change things.
My boys started school at the end of August and they’ve adjusted very well to their new school. Since we live in the middle of our small city, they previously attended the oldest elementary school downtown, which was once the original high school. A bond was passed two years ago to build a new elementary school down the street, and the construction was completed in time for the beginning of this school year. The new school is much bigger and more imposing, and somewhat surprisingly, I’ve had a hard time adjusting to the new changes. I know that change is good, and this new school brings with it the promise of a wonderful education for even more children, but I miss the old school. I’m trying to ease into things and I’m volunteering, so that will help me adjust in time.
This year, I’ve felt a restlessness that I’ve never experienced before, and I often think about making big changes, like moving to a different place. I think my feelings stem from the uncertainty in our country right now and the natural changes that happen with time, and I know I’m in the place I’m supposed to be. My husband and I talk about moving periodically, and there’s always a reason to stay where we are. I’m grateful for my community that is diverse and accepting, and I’m working to quiet these unsettled feelings that creep up lately. I turned 39 this summer, too, so maybe it’s just a part of getting older. Who knows?
I didn’t mean for this post to sound so melancholy, but I know that it helps me to write things down to understand them. I’m hoping to make time again to write more thoughtful posts, and definitely some fun pieces, too.
Happy September.

I really identify with this post, especially the restlessness. I, too, think it’s a symptom of political uncertainty and age. I’ll be 29 in two weeks and I sometimes feel like I just need to “start” my life already. Of course, I’m already doing my life, and if I look at things day by day, I really enjoy my life as it is now.
Thanks for sharing that, Leah. I really try to take things day by day, and I do enjoy having a simpler, fairly quiet life. It’s when I compare myself to everyone else that I feel like I’m missing out, and I need to stop doing that. 🙂