This and That
I was feeling the winter blues at the beginning of the week, but things are looking up now and we’re ending on a good note. The weather isn’t cooperating yet, but it is supposed to warm up this weekend, and I feel like February will be a very nice month. Here are a few things that caught my eye this week.
Remembering Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Will Ferrell on Reddit’s “Ask Me Anything.” And, oh my gosh, he does look just like the drummer from Red Hot Chili Peppers, which can only mean one thing: drum battle!
The conservative side of Downton Abbey.
Frank Deford on Putin’s Olympics.
Photos from yesterday’s Olympic events.
All Joy and No Fun: a new book about modern parenting that really tells it like it is. I let out a huge sigh of relief when I read this story.
A local professor moves into a dumpster for an entire year.
“Reclaiming the Ancient Girls’ Club.” A beautiful post about the mikvah bath in Judaism.
And the most beautiful broken cups I’ve ever seen.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Those cups are so neat!
Aren’t they?!