Looking to Spring

Walking with Cake: Spring Inspiration Board

(My new inspiration wall for spring.)

Over the weekend, I went through my big stack of magazines and pulled out pages for my spring inspiration board. I started this project for fun last year, and now I change it up every few months. There’s no rhyme or reason to the process, and I just find photos that appeal to my aesthetic.  Last fall, my board heavily featured shades of blue, and it’s safe to say I’ve worn a lot of navy these past few months.  This new wall has lots and lots of pink, and already, I feel myself drawn to that color as I’m getting dressed each morning.

Walking with Cake: Spreading Out

(My inspiration now wraps around to the next wall.)

When I’m working at my desk, I find it relaxing to take a break and gaze at these pictures for a few minutes, just to rest my eyes and clear my head.  And I notice new details each time I look at one of the pictures, too.  This board is my biggest so far, and I branched out a little and wrapped a few pages around the slight corner near my desk, which is only about a foot wide and leads to the laundry room.  Ryan said I’ll be taping pictures on his side of the room before long, but I promised I won’t.  I did hang a few pictures crookedly, which causes my monitor to look slanted. I’m sure I’ll get used to that in time, and I can always change the pictures if I get bored.

Walking with Cake: Favorite Pink Shoes

(My favorite pink shoes never come down.)

One picture that’s not going anywhere is this Chanel ad from 2012, and I still dream about these gorgeous shoes.  It’s amazing how much they inspire me, and I’m planning to see a lot of pink this spring!

How about you?  Do you look for new inspiration each season?

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