Photographing Jo Malone

We’re still playing around with the light box and trying to find the right bulbs, and I’ve been practicing my natural light photography, too.  I adore Jo Malone’s innovative scents, and my mom gave me the Nectarine and Honey Cologne and Body Crème for Christmas.  They smell just like you’d imagine if you combined the two delicious ingredients together, a bit citrus-y with some sweetness thrown in for good measure. I like to use the crème in the morning after my shower and again before bed, and a little goes a long, long way.

I spent some time over the weekend taking too many photographs of these delightful products in their pretty packaging, and I still haven’t got it quite right.  My house isn’t ideal for natural light photography, with its screens and divided windows, and I sometimes work on the front porch.  It was also really cloudy both days, too, so I tried to take advantage of the sun when it poked its way through.  The photo above is from inside my bathroom, which gets a lot of light during the day, though the picture is still quite dark.

Walking with Cake: Jo Malone Nectarine Blossom and Honey

(Jo Malone products in full sun.)

And the picture above was taken on my front porch, so the products are crystal-clear, but also in shadow.  I’m still learning to adjust the different settings on my camera, and it’s something I will always work at, I think. Plus, I hate using a tripod, which I realize you need for product photos on cloudy days.  But I wanted to share a little Jo Malone with you in the process, and I promise I smell really good while I’m making all of these mistakes.

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