This and That

Walking with Cake: My mom's flowers

(A few of my mom’s flowers. Her garden always inspires me.)

We went back to our regular schedule this week, and it feels good to be in a routine after the long holiday break. The boys returned to school yesterday, and we’ll have a quiet weekend at home without any big plans. Those are always the best weekends, I think.  Here are a few things that caught my attention this week.

Vogue’s Fashion Guide for Spring 2014.

Violet nails.

Are you watching Downton Abbey this season?  Here’s a funny quiz about it.

Why it’s “absolute nonsense” to make Americans wait to watch Downton Abbey months after British fans.

Stevie Nicks had a long talk with Katy Perry.  (When Stevie Nicks gives you advice, you listen.)

A rap video shot in North Korea.

A look inside Roma houses.

And an American skater takes on Russia’s anti-gay laws.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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