This and That
This week was really busy and really cold! Winter definitely came back to central Texas and though March is right around the corner, it isn’t feeling like spring at all. We might see warmer temperatures this weekend, but at least the sun has been shining. I will take what I can get. Here are a few things that caught my eye this week.
An absolutely stunning blue home in London.
A gorgeous Tumblr site linking fashion with everything.
Candice Bergen on playing “Murphy Brown.” I forgot how much I loved that show.
Some thoughts on Patricia Arquette’s Academy Award speech. Don’t forget that she won an Oscar that night, too.
The majority of the employees at this car wash have autism. A really inspiring story.
The first short film in the PBS “First Person” series.
And the chance to help Rana Clothing become a reality.
Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!